Friday, 17 February 2017

What Colour Scheme ?

With actual historical periods, the uniform colours etc are, to some extent, laid out for you via web searches, or literature such as the Osprey books series.

When it comes to SciFi or Fanatsy you can pretty much do as you like....but I do have a problem with that. I don't really have an eye for colour coordination at all. That doesn't mean that my wife has to dress me, every time that I leave the house, but, in the not too distant past, I have painted a unit of SciFi guys and afterwards thought "Well...that doesn't work does it?

Total dismay and time you find yourself with that problem, have a wander around your local supermarket when doing the weekly shop. Check out the product packaging for anything at all...the guys that do this packaging thing for a living DO have an eye for colour coordination....

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, tell me about it. All my sci-fi armies seem to end up pink and yellow.
