Thursday 9 March 2017

Numidian Cavalry

The next unit for my Carthaginian army is going to be some Numidian Cavalry.

The Numidians were nomadic tribesman from modern Algeria and they and their land was so named by the Romans....Numidia meaning land of the Nomads.

The Numidians relied exclusively on the horse as a means of transport and as a result, their warriors were born horsemen, living on horseback from an early age. They did not use a bit or bridle and rode bareback with only a neck strap of plaited rope for harness and using voice commands and a stick to guide their mounts.

The Numidians wore only a simple short sleeveless tunic gathered at the waist by a belt of mainly plaited rope.They were armed with javelins and light spears and their only protection was a small shield and their own agility. They may have had a secondary weapon of a dagger, but more than likely a sling, for when fighting dismounted.

The Numidians were the classic light horse....using their speed and agility to dart towards the enemy, hurl their javelins, then retreat befor the enemy could strike back or make contact.

Numidians fought for both Carthage and Rome during the Punic Wars and at Zama, the Numidians could be found fighting for both sides.

So, no horse furniture and just a simple tunic for the rider...should be a simple paint job.

These guys are from Victrix and you get 12 in a bag/box.

The horses were spray undercoated with a brown colour as all the horses will be brown. I will be using the Foundry Paint Bay Brown triad which gives a nice appearance.

Here they have been sprayed and the base coat of the Bay Horse triad has been done. The riders have been undercoated black and just sat on the horses for effect.
I have looked on google for Bay Horse images and apart from the many pubs that appear, you get a better idea of what actual horses should be like, so i will try to be as real as possible. to finish them. More later

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